
My story is very much like a lot of you out there.  I am a stay at home mom, and I have 5 kids.  How we got our family is what is very  unique......not your typical story.  We didn't adopt or have to go through fertility, in fact our story is quite the opposite.   I will start from the beginning.

My hubby and I met while we were both servers at the Olive Garden.......romantic, I know.  There was something about him that kept drawing me to him.  He was sooooo cute and sooooo funny!  Finally after a few weeks, he asked me out.  For our first date we went to his house and watched the Utah Jazz play in one of their playoff games.  After we went to Cold Stone and talked FOR A LONG TIME!!!!  To say the least, I was hooked from date #1!  6 months later, we were married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.  It was a fairy tale!

Now to the crazy part..... about 4 months after we were married I found out I was expecting. We were excited and couldn't wait to meet this new person that was going to join our new family!  Well, after a few weeks I went in to have an ultrasound, and there were two little heartbeats!  Total shock!  We were excited and scared all at once.  If any of you have multiples, you know the feeling.  If any of you only had one at at time, you still know the feeling, because let's face it.......having kids is NOT easy!  We welcomed our boy and girl twins in August of 2002.

Fast forward 3 1/2 years, and I am pregnant again.  This time with one, and it was a perfect pregnancy!  We welcomed baby #3 in March of 2006.  He was the BEST baby in the world.   He hardly cried and slept like a champ!  Life was great.

Fast forward to 2010, and I am pregnant, again! I was so happy because I thought 4 kids was perfect! (That way we had an even number of people for our family trips to Disneyland.......Nobody wants to ride with a stranger!)  After I went in for my first checkup, the Dr. told me to go and get an ultrasound because he thought I was kind of big.  Well,  I didn't want to get an ultrasound because I knew what he meant by "big".  So I put it off for 2 weeks.  Finally I thought I had better go an get it over with.  I had my hubby come along, and we joked about how funny it would be if it were twins again.  As soon as the ultrasound tech started the exam, I saw them.  Two little peanuts.  That is right!  Our second set of twins!!!!!!!  I started crying because I remembered how miserable my first twin pregnancy was and I DID NOT want to go through that again! My sweet husband started laughing!  He is the reason why we work.  He can find humor in everything, and for some reason things are just easier if you can laugh about it. We welcomed our second set of boy/girl twins to the family in September 2010.

People ask me everyday how we do it, and I just simply say......we laugh a lot!!!!!

Facts about me:

1.  I love to sleep!
2.  I hate jell-o!
3.  I love fettuccine alfredo with grilled chicken!
4.  I love to go on dates with my hubby! They are few and far between.  Boo.
5.  I love my kiddos!
6.  I love where I live!
7.  I hate doing laundry!
8.  I hate snow after January 1.
9.  I have 2 favorite movies: Family Man and You've Got Mail.
10. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (Mormon.org)

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