Friday, September 28, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

Today I went shopping to find gifts for my bunco group.  I am hosting it in October, and I like to have things done ahead of time.  I just work that way.  After loading my 2 year old kiddos into the car, making it halfway to my destination only to realize that I didn't bring the double stroller, turning around to get my stroller and making it to said destination, I was done. Actually, I was just a little flustered.  Anyone who has kids can relate to that feeling.  I don't care if you have 1 or 10 kids.  Shopping with little munchkins is hard.  And let's face it.....getting little toddlers out the door is half the battle.

Anyhoo- back to what I was talking about.........I went shopping with my twin babies by myself for Bunco prizes, and I survived!!!!  Those cutie patooties were actually perfect not crying through the store.  I enjoyed my time walking around the home decor store and finding cute Halloween prizes....Oh the money I could spend!  I found some awesome prizes and I was thrilled that I was able to get it all done!  Now I will be able to sleep without trying to come up with ideas for bunco prizes.....Does anyone else do that?  So happy that I am done with that.

Now to figure out what to serve.....hmmmmmmm......Any ideas for a great Halloween dinner with friends would be much appreciated!

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