Thursday, September 27, 2012

Meatloaf failure......ugh!

Today was busy as usual......Soccer and football dominated the night, and I burned our dinner.  Yep- one whole meatloaf was wasted because I burned it.  I guess it is a bad idea to cook your meatloaf and your baked potatoes at the same time.  I thought that since I was going to bake the potatoes, I might as well cook the meatloaf at the same time........BAD idea. 

In my mind I had it all worked out that if I put the meatloaf in the oven half way through the time it takes to bake the potatoes and at the higher temperature that I do my potatoes- it would bake for a shorter time, and they would be done at the same time. Not the case.  Bad idea. 

End result- We are eating out tonight!  Bacon cheese burgers anyone?  

On a higher note-  My R-Guy scored a goal at his soccer game!  So proud of my little man!  I love that spunky little kid, and he makes my heart happy.

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