Monday, February 13, 2012

Last Minute Valentine's Idea

How many of you have put Valentine's off until the very last minute?  That is what has happened to me this year.  I had so many ideas of things I wanted to make,  and so little time.......such is life with 5 kiddos!  I had the following conversation with my 5 year old:

5 year old:"Hey Mom- Is our house not having Valentine's?"
Me: "Yes, we are having Valentine's at our house."
5 year old: "Well it doesn't look like it!"

Major Mom Fail!!!!!

So to make up for my son's disappointment, I had to do something.  We went to the dollar store, and he picked out some flutes that he thought would be "great to drink milk out of!"  (His words, not mine.)  While he was at school, I added a little bit of shirt paint and a little bit of tulle, and this is how they ended up:

Then I made some cupcakes.....what kid doesn't love cupcakes?  So here is my last ditch effort to have "Valentine's Day"  at our house!

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