Thursday, February 16, 2012

So much fun!

You know how some days you are just spinning your wheels and you feel like you are doing a million things all at once, and at the same time you feel like you aren't accomplishing a thing?  That is how I felt today.  I didn't really have too much going on, I was just trying to get caught up around the house, but it seemed like something was always pulling me away from one project I was in the middle of, only to start another.  I just have to laugh at days like this....I hate them, but I love them. Does that make sense? They are so much fun to me because it means that I am doing things for my family.  As weird as that sounds, I love doing things for people.  Of course there is the frustration of not getting my laundry done, or the front room vacuumed, but nothing beats my 16 month old wanting to snuggle on my lap while he sucks his finger and hugs his blankie! Days like this will be gone soon, and I don't want to miss a beat!

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