Thursday, March 22, 2012

Catchin' ZZZZZZZZZ's!!!

I know I haven't posted in a while, and mostly it is because I am trying to decide what direction I want to take this blog.  I don't know how many of you actually read this....but that is okay.  I am mostly doing this for myself.  I have found it to be therapeutic, and enjoyable to write down some of my thoughts and ideas....or whatever is on my mind for that day.

Today I was thinking about how I get asked almost daily "How have you managed two sets of twins?!?!"  It is a fair question because not many people are faced with having their children arrive in litters. :) I usually respond with something like "We just take it one day at a time."  -or-  "It is easier the second time around because I know what to expect."  While these things are true......I have to say, my biggest life saver is the schedule I have put my babies on. Oh - and we laugh!! A LOT!!!!

 (Such a proud Daddy!  My hubby is so sweet with our babies it melts my heart!)

It is amazing to me how many people have said "Your babies slept through the night at 8 weeks (2kids), 10 weeks (2 kids), or 12 weeks (1 kid) of age?  How did you do it?!?!"  I am going to let you in on a secret.  I don't care how "hard" a child is- They need and want a schedule. My oldest boy was/can be very hard.  The schedule saved us.  It still does to this day.......and he is 9 1/2! They don't realize it, but children like have things that are consistent.  It is comforting to them to know what to expect.

If you like to read books to get information about having your baby sleep through the night, I recommend this one:

On Becoming Baby Wise
By Gary Ezzo M.D. and Robert Bucknam M.D.


I did read this one, and some of their suggestions are a little extreme for me.  But when I read the chapter on how to have your baby sleep through the night, this was a life saver!!!  It made sense. The best part about it is you can apply it to any age.  You don't have to have a newborn to start a schedule......I have had many friends try the baby wise with their toddlers/children and it has worked wonders.

If you don't want to get the book, I will give you a small run down of what they suggest.

1. Setting the schedule.

Decided how often you want to feed your baby.  We used a 4 hour schedule because that is what worked for us.  Usually it is about every 3-4 hours that works for people.  I also bottle fed all of my babies, so I was able to do the longer schedule.

2.  Day time feedings: 

Feed your baby, and then have awake time.  For a brand new baby this can be a challenge.  Giving your baby some sort of stimulation whether it is rubbing their back, or tummy time, or what ever you can do, for about 15 minutes after feeding will work.  THEN put your baby down to sleep.   This teaches your baby not to rely on food to sleep.  

3. Night time feedings:

Feed your baby in the evening, have a nighttime routine that is the same every night, weather it be a bath and a lotion rubdown, or singing to your baby.  Something that they can easily relate to bedtime.  Then put them down.  Some babies will cry, and that is okay.  They are babies.  They are built with a good set of pipes to let us know when they are upset, or something is wrong.  But they also use them to get what they want.  

Example:  If I scream, I get picked up.

I am not saying you should NEVER pick up your baby- just check them and see if anything is wrong.  Like a poopy diaper, their diaper leaked, their pajamas are twisted, and by all means- IF THEY ARE SICK YOU NEED TO PICK THEM UP!!!!!! 

4.  Dropping the middle of the night feeding. 

At about 8 weeks I let my babies sleep as long as they could from the late night feeding (10 p.m.) until their middle of the night feeding. (2 a.m.) feeding.  For some of my babies, it was an easy transition.  Only a couple of nights, and they were sleeping right through the 2 a.m. feeding and making it all the way to the 6a.m. feeding.  My other babies took a few weeks to adjust, but they all gradually made it, and by 12 weeks they were sleeping like champs, but more importantly, so was I!  

I can handle anything if I have a full night of sleep.  It is amazing how frazzled you can be without sleep.  Sleep is one of my favorite things in life.  Let's face it.  We all need to sleep.  Including babies.

The best piece of advice I can offer any new mom- whether you have multiples, or just a single baby- set a schedule and do what works for you!!!  If you have any questions, or just want to chat, feel free to leave a comment, and I would love to answer if I can.   

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