Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Easy Pillowcase Tutorial

You know that feeling you get right before you try something for the first time? You know- the one that makes you feel like you probably shouldn't even bother trying something because you are probably going to mess it up? I had that feeling before I started this pillow. ( I know what you are thinking...........It is just a dumb pillowcase- a rectangle that is sewn one three sides and open on one end.)

Well I am happy to say that I didn't listen to that feeling and I did a great job! I even came up with the "pattern" (Do you really need a pattern for a pillowcase?) all by myself. It was so simple! I don't know why I was even nervous to begin with. I think that it was the lady that was cutting my fabric for me in the fabric store- she said that I should never "wing it" and always use a pattern. So far my "wing-it" patterns have turned out pretty cute- (I know.....I have only made a pot holder and a pillowcase- but still!) I am guessing that if you are a self taught sewer, there is a lot of wing flapping!

Okay- enough of the rambling........

Supplies you will need for a STANDARD SIZE PILLOWCASE:

-One piece of fabric cut 27" X 19" on the fold for the main part
(This means if you unfold your fabric it would be 54"X38")
-One piece of fabric cut 10" X 19" on the fold for your end piece

*TIP: I just used a standard pillow case I already had to come up with my own measurements. You can do the same thing! It was easy! Here is a picture of the pillowcase I used to measure and my fabric:

Step 1:

Fold your "end piece" of fabric in half and iron a fold in it.

Step 2:

Place your "end piece" and your "main piece" of fabric with the right side of the fabric together with the 38" lined up together. Pin and sew (remember to back stitch!) with a 1/2" seam allowance.

Step 3:

Iron the seam you just created. This will give you a nice clean and crisp edge.

Step 4:

Lay your fabric so that the wrong side of the fabric is facing up. Now fold your "end piece on the crease you ironed into it and tuck it under 1/4" to 1/2" (depending on how much fabric you have to work with) and pin it in place. Sew the folded edge down using a 1/8" seam allowance.

Step 5:

Pin the outside pieces together with the right sides of the fabric facing each other. Remember to leave the "end piece" open. (It would be hard to put your pillow in if you sewed that end shut. Ha ha! Sorry.....lame joke!) Now sew those three sides together with a 1/2" seam allowance.

Step 6:

Trim the extra fabric around the corners. Make sure you are careful not to cut the seam!

Step 7:

Turn your pillowcase right side out and enjoy! (You can press your seam again if you would like before you turn it right side out.)

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